सोमवार, 13 दिसंबर 2010

Purvanchal University, Jaunpur

Contact person - Mr Ajeet Yadav (lecturer) 9454715626
8 Dec 2010-Sseminar held at Applied Psychology Department, Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, U.P. The issue covered in the seminar was "Teacher's  Role in Promoting Gender Equality". The main objective of the seminar was to develop a common understanding on Gender and gender based violence among teachers. Around 40 teachers participated in the seminar and discussed on the issue.   As MASVAW is trying to institutionalize the gender issue in the academic curriculum in Degree and Inter colleges, this was very good effort done by Prof. Dr. Ramjee Lal, the Dean and Head of Applied Psychology Department, Purvanchal University, Jaunpur.

Go to the link for detail of  News -

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